Johnny Kelly
Interim CC candidate - Johnny Kelly
Country of Residence United Kingdom
Are you an individual or representing an organisation or a consortium of individuals or organisations? Individual Are you an Intersect member? Yes If you are an Intersect member, are you currently contributing to any working groups or committees? If so which? Governance Parameter Working Group
Please summarise your contributions to the Cardano blockchain, ecosystem, and community to date. To date I have contributed to the Cardano Blockchain by taking up an active role in the Governance Parameter Working Group within Intersect, and have worked with a team of volunteers on trying to help come up with the initial Interim 'Minimum Viable Governance' Parameter settings for the Bootstrap Phase of Cardano Governance. Making sure to incorporate Stake Weighted Cardano Community feedback into that process. I have contributed to the ecosystem by being a SysOps Co-Manager (Tech Janitor) for Stake Pool Operators who require technical assistance with setting up and maintaining their Pool Infrastructures, making sure that any SPO Owner that hires me to help set up and maintain their Pool retains full and sole control of their own cold.skey Pool Identity file and takes an active part in rotation of their own KES Keys. I also ensure that SPO Owners I work with fully own their own Hardware/VPS Infrastuctures for their Pool. I am currently a Tech Janitor for Pool Tickers SOILL, VFS, and ZAM. I have also provided pro bono support in DMs, and private calls, to anyone who has reached out to me with technical questions that have caused them roadblocks on their journey to set up their own Cardano Software or Infrastructure configurations. I have assisted one NFT Campaign with their Project's Minting Event process so far, as a technical consultant, and I provided software/hardware support during their Minting Event to ensure that their Campaign properly minted out. I have taken part actively in feature and stress testing the Sancho Testnet, through both the command line and website interfaces, and have contributed feedback and suggestions to aid in the development process of building Cardano's Governance model and front end interface. I have contributed to the community by being a regular speaker and guest on various community run Twitter/X Spaces, YouTube shows, and Workshops (both online and in person in the case of Workshops). I very much enjoy my interactions with the Cardano Community in these Spaces, Shows, and Workshops.
With regards to the 5 measures of competency, and with regards to your contributions summarised in the previous question, please describe why people should vote for you. If people vote for me they can be assured that I fully understand the true weight of responsibility that being an interpreter of the contents of a Constitutional Document is, and that I will do my utmost to try and provide clear and reasonable justifications for my own interpretations of Cardano's own Constitution. I will also ensure to properly engage with the Community in public forums to go over those justifications in open discussion.
Why is decentralized governance important to you? Decentralised Goveranance is vital to ensure that an extreme minority of individual actors aren't able to seize directive control over the Cardano Blockchain's development road-map and both its technical and economic evolution over time.
What perspective would you bring to the committee if successful? I bring the perspective of someone who is very much involved in the work-a-day experience of running and maintaining vital parts of the overall Cardano Infrastructure, who has hands on experience with working with the Governance Model already, through the Sancho Testnet, and who has a genuine combination of technical, political, and philosophical interest in the future of Cardano.
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