Tevo Saks

Interim CC candidate - Tevo Saks

Country of Residence Estonia

Are you an individual or representing an organisation or a consortium of individuals or organisations? Individual Are you an Intersect member? Yes If you are an Intersect member, are you currently contributing to any working groups or committees? If so which? been in few but haven't taken up that much workload to make direct connections with other networks

Please summarise your contributions to the Cardano blockchain, ecosystem, and community to date. I have helped in creating new networks and establishing cross-chain connections to enhance the ecosystem and partner chains. I am designing a system on the blockchain that effectively stores data about operational activities and assets, helping provide verifiable information for governance and operational progress and its capacity.

With regards to the 5 measures of competency, and with regards to your contributions summarised in the previous question, please describe why people should vote for you. 1. You can see I can handle operations and implementation quite well because I am quite public about my activities and results. 2. As for Credential Management, most of the time, I am put in an IT administration position, but I actually just use guides and critical thinking, no special knowledge here. 3. Not really that much expertise mostly just access to information and curious about different options and dependencies when governance parameters are being changed or added 4. Yes I am sure I am capable of voting on-chain 5. Communicating for me its about transparency and accessibility. I come from a Swarm community.

Why is decentralized governance important to you? It was the first wicked challenge, and I am still chipping away at it, one experiment after another. The connections I have made in these networks of decentralized organizations are important to me.

What perspective would you bring to the committee if successful? Experience experimenting with emergent decentralized organization models. Interest in different governance models and their features. Actively managing community treasuries and contribution data.

Last updated