
6,500 ADA. Project complete.

Grantee, Programmer Assist doo, will integrate POEditor, a robust Translation Management System (TMS) to help the community contributors with translating the default English (en-UK) version into various languages. Contributors will create key-value pairs for different strings used across the interface, allowing the platforms to function in multiple languages. POEditor will be configured to support translations for Govtool and the Constitutional Committee Portal, and integrated with Intersect GitHub account for efficient management of localization files. This integration will streamline the workflow, making it easier to handle language files.

Milestone 1: Milestone 1 - Installation and configurations of POEditorhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1PfLmwDvBxiBQNN-h9_ry8WIDLeLYImlR/view?usp=sharing

Milestone 2 - Integration with the Govtool and Constitutional Committee Portal applicationshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1MlN7r9yUc-BrRlsLpM9NnJzOhJD-E8fl/view?usp=sharing

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