Month 1
Create Japan Hub Report and manage the ongoing development
Translation of marketing materials including campaigns, brochures, websites, catalogs, and other assets
Identify and propose events that Intersect should attend in 2024.
Hold bi-weekly X Spaces.
Month 2
Improve the Japan Hub Report through town halls, community chats, and dialogue with Intersect.
Manage LINE channel and Discord.
Launch official Intersect Japan account on X.
Translate event materials.
Prepare launch event to be held.
Hold bi-weekly X spaces.
Month 3
Improve the Japan Hub Report through town halls, community chats, and dialogue with Intersect.
Regular check ins with the Intersect team.
Translate event materials.
Manage LINE channel and Discord.
Making Flyers, Brochures, and other materials for onboarding after the first plan of marketing is defined.
Hold bi-weekly X spaces.
Month 4
Improve the Japan Hub Report through town halls, community chats, and dialogue with Intersect.
Manage LINE channel and Discord.
Regular check ins with the Intersect team.
Translate event materials.
Host launch event.
Hold bi-weekly X spaces.
Months 5 & 6
Improve the Japan Hub Report through town halls, community chats, and dialogue with Intersect.
Manage LINE channel and Discord.
Regular check ins with the Intersect team.
Translate event materials.
Host other events to gear up towards the AMM.
Hold bi-weekly X spaces.
Month 7
Improve the Japan Hub Report through town halls, community chats, and dialogue with Intersect.
Translate event materials.
Manage LINE channel and Discord.
Hold bi-weekly X spaces.
If you would like to find out more, please email the Japan hub at japan@intersectmbo.org
Last updated