Phase 2 - Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria

The DRep Program has been successfully delivered to the Cardano community by the designated Pioneer Workshop Leaders.

  1. Workshop sessions have been conducted according to the agreed-upon schedule and duration (Recommendation: 1 full day: 6 hours of lecture + lunch time + breaks).

  2. Workshop Leaders have effectively engaged participants and facilitated interactive discussions, and learning experiences.

  3. Participants have provided positive feedback regarding the workshop content, delivery, and overall experience.

  4. Workshop Leaders have demonstrated proficiency in addressing participant questions, concerns, and providing clarification as needed.

  5. Workshop Leaders have upheld professionalism and integrity throughout the delivery of the program, maintaining a positive and supportive learning environment and following the code of conduct.

  6. Any issues or challenges encountered during the workshop delivery have been promptly addressed and resolved to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

  7. Workshop Leaders have provided post-workshop reports or reflections to capture insights, lessons learned, and recommendations for future improvements.

Last updated