Voting Tool for the Constitutional Convention

Grant value: 102,500 ADA

There will be a Constitutional Convention in Buenos Aires, held in order to finalise the Cardano Constitution and then to ratify it with a vote. The people making these decisions will be Constitutional Delegates, each one representing a region in which a constitutional workshop was held, where they were elected by workshop attendees.

There are two purposes of this tool. Firstly, it is to facilitate a poll to approve the Constitution. In addition we want this to be a celebratory occasion for the Cardano community as a whole and we want the tooling to reflect this, both by being an on-chain voting tool and creating a spectacle.

Milestone 1 - Set Up:

Milestone 2 - Basic App:

Milestone 3 - Role Differentiation:

Milestone 4 - Exporting Results:

Milestone 5 - Hosting

Last updated